How technology and artificial intelligence are used to change societal paradigm?
What is innovation in the multilateral and public sector ?
Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals
Interview with SystemCHANGR
International leadership in the digital era in the Humanitarian-Peace-Development (HPD) nexus
Building Ethical and Inclusive AI Through Bottom-up Community Collaboration
The framework of the SDGs for the Common Good and smart partnerships.
Smart partnerships : new applications for Water (UNEP)
European Ethical AI Guidelines (Snapshot)
UN Global Compact Announces 2018 SDG Pioneers, Most Engaged Companies
Smart Partnerships on AI with Tech Giants and #Finance.
A UNDP REMINDER - The Sustainable Development Goals are not buzzwords. They serve as blueprints.
Tracking the SDG progress in the Arab Region (New Resources and Application).
Invest in Sustainability. The power of the SDGs.