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Image by Andreas Gücklhorn


​"We are at a time where collective changes towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Common Good are at our reach.


Smart and human-centered innovations can help us. I believe every single one of us is an actor and a catalyst of change for the Common Good"


- Virginie MARTINS de NOBREGA, 2019.

  • Peacemaker and Global Peace Advocate. 

  • Advocate of human-centered, Human Rights and purpose-driven approach for AI and frontier technologies for the SDGs since 2018.


"Promoting democracy and achieving the goals of sustainable development is no longer an option but a necessity. France's strategic positioning in I.A and in Tech must be even more ambitious, more oriented towards people and democratic ideals, and promote a society around a digital social pact that is humanistic, progressive and definitely turned towards the future. This appeal echoes my support for the legitimate and necessary role of the United Nations as guarantor of ethical and responsible technology since 2018. This is the real innovation. Otherwise, we will have a technocracy and innovations that will neither bring progress nor meaning" - December, 2020. Ms. MARTINS de NOBREGA


  • Signed the first International AI Charter for Inclusive AI (Oct. 2020).

"Because Artificial Intelligence pushes us to ask fundamental questions within companies by adopting good governance tools, and more broadly at the societal level; which includes gender issues." - 24 June 2021. Ms MARTINS de NOBREGA. ARBORUS_GEEIS (@ArborusGeeis) / Twitter

  • Advocate for tolerance, inclusion and diversity for last 15 years. 

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