by Cade MAETZ (NY POST). Article available here: Is Ethical A.I. Even Possible? - The New York Times (
Insights based on my research:
Interesting article questioning once again how #AI applications & strategies are ethical so far and underlying the need for regulations.
In that perspective, the German strategic paper goes a step further than the UK & French strategic papers by :
explicitly acknowledging human rights as a benchmark & the UN SDG's as a silver lining,
by underlying the need & possibility to feed regulatory expertise into research & development activities from early on.
#EthicalAI is certainly one of the biggest challenge but quite feasible if :
#Humanrights are your benchmark for your applications and projects e.g. all the international conventions and protocols,.
If ethics is not used to avoid existing legal frameworks but rather a set of guiding principles to questions the development of projects from its origination to its testing & set clear boundaries on "the no go projects"
More transparency & diversity in the data aggregation process,
A stronger commitment to use AI to solve our challenges.
First published on LinkedIn here: Virginie MARTINS de NOBREGA sur LinkedIn : Is Ethical A.I. Even Possible?