by Thijs H.J. Geradts and Nancy M.P. Bocken. Article available here: Driving Sustainability-Oriented Innovation ( MAGAZINE WINTER 2019 ISSUE. RESEARCH FEATURE.
Organizations can innovate to address environmental and social problems — but they need to build the right culture.
Sustainability-oriented innovation isn’t new — researchers have been studying it for more than a decade. However, as traditional organizations adopt new technologies and business models, some are finding it difficult to get employees to think like entrepreneurs, which is essential to building an innovative culture that’s committed to solving environmental and social problems."
My Comments:
This is one of the best opportunity #AI might give us if a citizens, #humanrights advocates, #humanitarians, #socialentrepreneurs, and development actors step up, drive the change and mainstream their bottom lines !
That is what I believe in and that is what I am engage in.
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