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A Diverse (AI) World

How to Make Sure That the Digital World Reflects the Richness and Diversity of Our World.

You can find our systemic analysis of the challenges, threats and opportunities of #artificialintellignce, in the Chapter 8 of this new book ‘Impact of Women's Empowerment on SDGs in the Digital Era’ published by IGI GLOBAL.

Impact of Women’s Empowerment on SDGs in the Digital Era discusses global issues surrounding the gender gap and how women’s empowerment can contribute to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and highlights opportunities, challenges, drivers of success, and the importance of ethical leadership in order to successfully create a women’s empowerment legacy for future generations. Covering a range of topics such as financial inclusion and digital identity, this reference work is ideal for policymakers, lawmakers, government officials, researchers, academicians, scholars, researchers, instructors, and students.

Chapter 8 presents a systemic analysis of the threats and opportunities of artificial intelligence and frontier technologies for purpose-driven applications towards the Sustainable Development Goals reviewing the human rights, ethical, social, sociological, and environmental concerns with the view of providing a comprehensive overview of the stakes of today’s debate especially for women, minorities, the most vulnerable, and the invisible, while providing a policy framework to make sure that no one is left behind and that democracy is not replaced by technocracy. This chapter is grounded on the assumptions that technology is a means to an end and that true innovation is progress for all, whether for individuals, beneficiaries, peoples, cultures, institutions, states, and the planet.

You can also buy chapter by chapter.

To see an extract of Chapter 8, here: viewtitlesample.aspx (



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