Oct 19, 20222 min

Is Tech ready for a diverse (AI) world for Peace?

The world is composed of 197 recognized states, 193 of whcih are member states of the United Nations.

There are about 7,099 languages spoken in the world with around 40% of them being endangered with an 'increased risk by NLP if there isn’t a database of those languages or a manner to ‘synthetize their ancestral knowledge’ (Indigenous protocol and AI, 2020) or if machine learning systems are not provided with indigenous oriented data' see my article here: https://lnkd.in/eeef6fWm with IGI Global 📌).

There are an estimate of 4,000 religions today with 85% of the global population identifies with a religious group. The most widely recognized world religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism (PEW research, 2012). To that you add new forms of expression of #spirituality encompassed by mindfullness and personal development.

Did you know that the United Nations General Assembly declared the 1st week of February the World Interfaith Harmony Week #WIHW to promote a culture #peace and #nonviolence ?
According to ACTED, there are 10 #conflicts to watch out in 2022 some of them still having a strong inter-faith component.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of #data related to the complexity of the global interactions influenced by a chain of factors. The current highlight on the #environmentalimpact on geopolitics is one. The economic war and international sanctions is another. And the list goes on.

Though there is an estimated 4.95 billion users of the internet in 2022, 3 billion people are still offline increasing the adverse effects of an hyper-connected world, which also comes with an important environmental bill still underestimated.

But the #digitaldivide is not just between the South and the North or between marginalized groups in the North and the other groups. There is also a huge gap of connection between us all. Sociological studies show that we are less proficient in human interactions, that society is even more polarized due to the echo-chambers and or incapacity to listen.
Whether in #peacebuilding, peacemaking or just any interaction, you add to that layers of complexity, your own bias, perceptions and interpretations. And today, you add the #algorithms !

So, when Blake LEMOINE from GOOGLE said that AI is sentient, it has all of us spiralling for a minute in-between a dystopian future or a better world with #artificialintelligence.

I ask myself those questions on the potential ethical implications of the rise of sentient AI with others of The Global AI Ethics Institute (see, Can AI be sentient ? Notes N° 2. October 2022).


Is Tech ready for a diverse (AI) world for Peace? | LinkedIn
